Monday, August 29, 2016

The HOA Protects The Neighborhood's Property Values

Living in a community with an HOA has many positive advantages.  One of the primary roles of the Association is to preserve enhance property values. The Association performs this task by implementing a set of guidelines that the entire community must adhere to.
Many homeowners think of their HOA makes rules and regulations to limit personal freedoms. On the contrary, the rules and regulations are set in place to protect and preserve the investment we have in our homes. Your CC&R's (Covenants, Conditions & Restrictions) are there to set a standard for the entire neighborhood.

First and foremost, our Association is not just made up of the Board, Committees and a few interested owners. It was established as a corporation in which ALL owners are members. What that means is the, as an owner, you have committed yourself to become business partners with every other owner in the community. But, in order to achieve the primary goal of the Association (to preserve, protect and enhance property values) certain Covenants, conditions and Restrictions had to be established in order to achieve that goal. In those CC&R's, the Board is given the authority to establish Rules & Regulations that compliment the Association's purpose. When we follow the CC&R's and the Rules & Regulations, we are doing part of our duty as members of the Association.

Architectural controls and guidelines and procedures for gaining architectural approval were established in order to promote esthetic conformity and eliminate architectural changes that threaten the investment other members have in the Association. By following
the architectural guidelines and obtaining approval from the Association before any exterior architectural changes are made, we are doing part of our duty as members of the Association.

Our Board of Directors is given the charge of overseeing the operations of the Association and to see to it that the CC&R's and Rules & Regulations are followed by the Association's members. The Board is made up of owners, other members just like
you. They volunteer their time and energy to serve the Association because they care about the investment they have in it. Committees are formed to assist the Board with their charge. These committees are made up of volunteer owners, just like you. When you volunteer to serve on the Board of Directors, or you volunteer to serve on a committee, you are doing part of your duty as a member of the Association.

Monthly assessments are necessary to protect and maintain our community assets and to help provide professional management to assist our community. When owners fail to pay their assessment on time, the Association is unable to meet all if its financial obligations. The result: The degree of property value protection the Association provides is reduced. In other words, even one owner who does not pay their assessment on time can adversely effect how Association business is conducted. When you pay your assessment on time, you are doing part of your duty as a member of the Association.

Finally, the Board of Directors meet on a regular basis in order to make decisions, keep up-to-date on Association business and to hear from other owners in order to make proactive business decisions. As owners, keeping abreast of association matters and  contributing during Open Forum is only good business . When you choose to attend the Board meetings, you are doing part of your duty as a member of the Association

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